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Một Tách Cà Phê Nhé?

Country: Phim Hàn Quốc

Actors: ONGSEONGWU Park Ho San

Genres: Phim tình cảm

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N Vietsub
Movie plot

A human drama about Kang-Go-bi, a new barista who entered the world of coffee with pure passion, learning about coffee and people as a student of the coffee master Park Seok. After coincidentally finding the 2 Machine Coffee shop and drinking Park Seok’s freshly made coffee, Kang Go-Bi drops his civil servant’s entrance exam and decides that this cafe is worth giving his all. In order to get Suk to warm up to him, he tries to appeal to his worth by going into the store and working day in and day out. After seeing this side of Go-Bi, Suk decides to take him as a protege.

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